Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 18 - Need more subjects :)

My dear friends, 
I need your help with my 365-day challenge. I am looking for new subjects willing to sit for photo shoots--as a thank you I can offer you free copies of five edited high-resolution images.

For today I return to one of my favorite subjects :)


  1. The Sudweeks family will take you up on your sitting offer. We hate getting our picture taken and haven't had a family pic since a year ago. And nothing professional since 1997!
    Also Ivy would love to have something nice for her graduation announcements.

  2. Thank you, Jen and family. You guys are awesome!

  3. Hey Agnieszka!
    If you're serious about wanting "subjects", Christopher and I could/would do it. But only if I get to see Daria and Hannah! :-)
    ~ Dianna

  4. Dianna, I would love to! Thank you so much. And of course you could see the Daria and Hannah. Let me know what date would be best for you guys.


  5. I would love some pictures of our daughter - Andrea. She will be 3 at the end of the month and I'd like to get her pictures taken. Let me know if you are interested. Shalyse Clayton 552-5135
